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Love me some D.J. :) |
Yes, I know. We lost. The season is done. However, I can't help but celebrate. This is my favorite time of year - the time of year when I thoroughly enjoy my favorite team. I was born a Memphis fan, and I was raised a Memphis fan. But, I don't know exactly at which point in my life, that I truly became a Memphis fan. Maybe it was when I went away to college and the absence made my heart grow fonder. Maybe it was the fact that when my grandmother died, I felt the need to carry on her love for this team, and her precious "bow-ees". Looking back over the last few years of Memphis Basketball, I found the top three reasons why I love this team. (in no particular order)
I love this team. I love the emotional roller-coaster that occurs with each season. All the hype begins in October with Memphis Madness. You get excited because after seven long months you finally get a glimpse of the team. You see their potential and chemistry with each other. You can't help but feel a part of it. Then the season starts, and by December, you are stressed to the max because you don't know exactly when those boys will get their act together. Then about February, they become your dream team. Everything falls in to place - they play together, they make shots, they defend, etc. You can't help but fall in love with Memphis Basketball.
I love this coach. Josh Pastner is probably one of the most impressive individuals I have ever known. He has brought so much class to the program. He is a great family man, and he works harder than most everyone. It kills me when people shoot him down. He is a young coach, and it is only his third year as a head coach. I tend to relate to him. As a second year teacher, it's hard. Do I know more than I did my first year? Heck yes! But do I know everything there is to know about teaching, and every trick in the book when working with kids? Heck no! I imagine that it is the same for him. Then, in come every "Joe Blow" off the street to criticize his every move. He has no control, he can't coach, he can't beat ranked teams, etc. Well, you know what "Joe", neither can you. Because chances are, you've never even played basketball. It takes time to learn these things. It doesn't mean that he isn't a good coach. It means that with every year, he gets better. I truly appreciate everything that he has done for the program and the city of Memphis. Thanks, Josh! :)
I love my boys! It is so funny to me that I actually think I know them - I'm sure we're all best friends. As each season comes and goes, you develop this appreciation for each individual player and what they bring to the court. Some become love-hate relationships. Some, are love-at-first-sight. I hate to say it, but for the most part, they are all love-hate. You meet a player their freshman year, and with all the hype that surrounds them, you love 'em. Then frustration sets in because they don't seem to be living up to their potential, or their behavior is totally ridiculous. Then, finally, you accept them for the player that they have become, and by Senior Night, you're in tears. Yes, I do cry at every senior night. Then, there are the rare love-at-first-sight kind of players, those that you can't take your eyes off when they are on the floor. It doesn't even have to be because they have this explosive talent, or because they can do crazy tricks. Often times, for me, it has more to do with their demeanor on the court, or what they do for the city off the court. There are only four players in my time as a Tiger fan that I truly consider a love-at-first-sight player. The first is Anfernee Hardaway. He was one of the first players I remember as being a true ambassador for this city. The second is Robert Dozier. I could watch him play all day long. He kept things so calm on the court, and he made everything look so easy. The third is Roburt Sallie. I know. Most people laugh about this, but he was another who was just so smooth on the court. Plus, he was always very personable when you talked to him. The fourth, but not the least, is D.J. Stephens. He actually might become my all-time fave. And, I'm sure that at his senior night next season, I will ball like a baby. He is one who not only does what the coach tells him to do, but he also has this explosive talent. He brings so much energy to the game by providing crazy dunks. He is a rubberband going all over the floor to make plays. He is an ambassador for this city, always putting others before himself. He truly is a remarkable young man. I'm not opposed to my list of favorite players growing. I'm almost positive that it will.
So, here's to another GREAT season! Congratulations, boys. Thank you for all that you do for this city. And, thank you for all of the memories. My countdown to Memphis Madness is on!!! #GoTigersGo