Love Is Looking for You by Miranda Lambert
Monday, September 3, 2012
It's time.
I heard this song in high school, and I loved it from the beginning. However, when I loved a song in high school, it usually meant that it was easy to sing along with because it was in my range. I never really focused on the lyrics. So, while cleaning this Labor Day weekend, this song came on my playlist. It kind of struck me as an "ah-ha" moment. I think because the topic has been on my mind for a while now. The first line says, "maybe your just jaded from some nobody's unforgotten is looking for you". I think this hit me, because it is exactly my biggest insecurity. I have let some words from the past get to me and allowed myself to believe them...or probably more honestly...I have let myself believe what I think to be other's thoughts. It's time to let that go. This weekend, thanks to my supportive mother, some very supportive and encouraging friends, and most importantly God, I have taken steps to become a better me. It is the only option for me if I am ever going to be confident enough to allow myself to have a relationship. It's the right time, and it will be day by day for it is a scary feat. Here is the song.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Made it Monday!
We had a little party at school today during lunch for one of our sweet coworkers. We are so blessed to have her at our school this year! Her precious little girl is due any day now, so we wanted to have a little treat for her before she leaves us for a few weeks. I always love baking and's basically therapy. So, of course I volunteered to bake a cake! Since she is having a little girl, of course I wanted to do something pink! I used this Strawberry Cake recipe. However, I wanted to get a little fancy since the cake was going to be for a special mommy-to-be and her Madison. So, I wanted to try an ombre cake. After baking the cake and letting it cool, I made the frosting in the recipe. Then I separated it in to three bowls. I added some pink food coloring to two of the bowls, and I basically just played around until I had a dark, medium, and light pink color.
Next, I iced the cake starting with the darker one on the bottom. As I added the lighter colors, the colors did mix. However, it gave it a nice blended effect.
Lastly, I made a fun little topper that had sweet Madison's name on it and some fun pink and grey birds and elephants. The topper turned out a little big, but it was still cute!
I'm a total fan of ombre cakes now! They are so fun to make!! I want to do a purple or blue one now. All I need is an occasion...
Friday, August 17, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Life's a Beach in 3rd Grade!
Hello! School has begun, and it already feels like summer was forever ago! So, I thought if I decorated my classroom to look like the beach then maybe I wouldn't be so sad that summer is over. I moved from 4th Grade to 3rd Grade this year, and I couldn't be more excited! Below are some pictures from my classroom.
This is my information board. In the middle is a cookie sheet that I put a copy of the weekly newsletter on. I also have a bucket that we use for bucket fillers for the "Star Fish of the Week".
This is my helper chart. I am loving all things chevron right now!
This is our computer area. I love to make things look homey, so I add lamps and picture frames here and there. I also love my headphone bucket from Hobby Lobby. The grass skirt around it is so much fun! :)
Here are my rules. They were Pinterest inspired. I found the rules on Pinterest, but made them my own using frames and paint pens on the glass. Such and easy and fun project!
I feel every classroom needs a dull/sharp spot for pencils! That pencil sharpener can be awfully annoying without them!
This is my AR board. It is magnetic which helps to move the kids around when they get more points.
Storage! I love tubs and bins. It keeps all of the clutter hidden and organized. It is also nicer to look at!
Here is my "Reader's Resort, or, as I like to call it - The BEACH! The kids love to hang out and read at the beach when they are done with their work.
Another Pinterest-inspired project. Here are my dollar store frames that I painted and put scrapbook paper in. They make for a nice objective spot!
I hate chalk, so I try to cover it up as much as possible! HA!
Here is my desk area. Keep in mind that these were taken the first week of school. Normally my desk is way more organized. I'm pretty OCD about it! My favorite part is my chevron lamp and my teacher toolbox!
Here is a close-up shot of my toolbox. It is so nice to have a spot for all of this stuff!
This is my burlap covered bulletin board. Another summer craft! I'm pretty proud of it because it was actually a lot harder to make than you'd think.
I love my birthdays because it looks like a police line-up. HA!
Here is my small group area. Again, usually it is a lot more organized!
And, our Sweet Points - or compliments board. When it fills up, they get a sweet treat!
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoyed your time at the "beach"!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Beach Read
It has been a month since I went to the beach, but I can't stop thinking about this book I read. It is called Winning Balance by Shawn Johnson. I literally read it in two days while sitting in my beach chair soaking up the rays. I could not put it down. I'm not usually a biography reader, but this one was fantastic. I loved all of her stories, and she was so easy to relate to. I also loved how honest she was about her faith through good times and bad. I highly recommend this book if you need a quick read that will really lift your spirits! Thanks, Shawn for being such an inspiring public figure. I'm such a fan now!
Monday, August 13, 2012
London. 2012.
I mean, really. Could my summer have ended on a more perfect note?! Not only were the Summer Olympics on, but they were in LONDON!! Only my absolute favorite place in the entire world!! Since, I couldn't actually attend, I lost myself in the coverage on NBC. I can't imagine what the athletes go through, because I was in tears with every event and team! I am so proud of Team USA!! Here are some of my favorite moments from the 2012 Olympics:
And...Here's why: ;)
I absolutely loved watching beach volleyball! Not only because I think Walsh and Jennings are an amazing duo and so fun to watch, but I loved the venue! Check out that view. You are in front of the Horse Guards house, to the right you have Big Ben, and to the left you have the London Eye. What perfect scenery and a great landscape of old and new London! Oh to have been there in person!!
I think this photo is so neat! The moon is perfectly attached to the rest of the Olympic Rings. I bet this photographer was in awe. I know I would have been. I also just love Tower Bridge - it's my favorite bridge on the Thames.
Did anyone else fall in love with these girls?!? Obsessed! This was a moment when I was balling like a baby! HA! I loved how these girls rallied around each other and showed true sportsmanship! They are all so talented and such wonderful inspirations to young girls. Way to go Fab Five! They so deserved that gold medal! Also, is it too late to become a gymnast? I mean, I'm only 24...
How funny were Aly Raisman's parents! Bless them. I'm sure they have been through just as much helping Aly get ready for the her dream!
I will admit, I'm more of a Ryan Lochte fan if made to choose; however, Michael freaking Phelps... I mean, the kid seriously has gills. I really liked his attitude during the games. He was such a team player and so supportive of all of the younger, new swimmers like Allison Schmidt and Missy Franklin. I also LOVE watching his mother while he races. She starts crying, and then, yep...I'm a goner! Congratulations to him on winning 22 medals and becoming the most decorated Olympian of all time! What an accomplishment, and so well deserved!
Did you really think I would have a post about London and NOT mention my favorite family? You must not know me very well! My favorite thing to do during the Olympics (besides actually watch them) was to get on the NBC Olympics website and check out their photo album titled "Where are the Royals Today?". I needed to know what they were up to. I'm glad that they let down their guard and showed some serious emotion during the games. Good to know their human! I may have a shot with Prince Harry after all. HA! ;)
My life is complete. The Spice Girls performed at the closing ceremony, and, quite frankly, they could have performed the entire time and it would have been the best closing ceremony ever. It definitely took me back a good 12 years!! It also made me want to watch Spice World! Who was your favorite Spice Girl? Mine was Posh (Victoria Beckham), and I'm still obsessed with her....and her husband.
This is my absolute FAVORITE picture from the Olympics. They are precious! That is all.
And...Here's why: ;)
Bless the Lord, O my soul...
I always love it when a song from church gets stuck in my head all week. I always assume God is trying to tell me something. This week it is the song "10,000 Reasons" by Matt Redman. Enjoy! :)
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Go Tigers, Go!
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Love me some D.J. :) |
Yes, I know. We lost. The season is done. However, I can't help but celebrate. This is my favorite time of year - the time of year when I thoroughly enjoy my favorite team. I was born a Memphis fan, and I was raised a Memphis fan. But, I don't know exactly at which point in my life, that I truly became a Memphis fan. Maybe it was when I went away to college and the absence made my heart grow fonder. Maybe it was the fact that when my grandmother died, I felt the need to carry on her love for this team, and her precious "bow-ees". Looking back over the last few years of Memphis Basketball, I found the top three reasons why I love this team. (in no particular order)
I love this team. I love the emotional roller-coaster that occurs with each season. All the hype begins in October with Memphis Madness. You get excited because after seven long months you finally get a glimpse of the team. You see their potential and chemistry with each other. You can't help but feel a part of it. Then the season starts, and by December, you are stressed to the max because you don't know exactly when those boys will get their act together. Then about February, they become your dream team. Everything falls in to place - they play together, they make shots, they defend, etc. You can't help but fall in love with Memphis Basketball.
I love this coach. Josh Pastner is probably one of the most impressive individuals I have ever known. He has brought so much class to the program. He is a great family man, and he works harder than most everyone. It kills me when people shoot him down. He is a young coach, and it is only his third year as a head coach. I tend to relate to him. As a second year teacher, it's hard. Do I know more than I did my first year? Heck yes! But do I know everything there is to know about teaching, and every trick in the book when working with kids? Heck no! I imagine that it is the same for him. Then, in come every "Joe Blow" off the street to criticize his every move. He has no control, he can't coach, he can't beat ranked teams, etc. Well, you know what "Joe", neither can you. Because chances are, you've never even played basketball. It takes time to learn these things. It doesn't mean that he isn't a good coach. It means that with every year, he gets better. I truly appreciate everything that he has done for the program and the city of Memphis. Thanks, Josh! :)
I love my boys! It is so funny to me that I actually think I know them - I'm sure we're all best friends. As each season comes and goes, you develop this appreciation for each individual player and what they bring to the court. Some become love-hate relationships. Some, are love-at-first-sight. I hate to say it, but for the most part, they are all love-hate. You meet a player their freshman year, and with all the hype that surrounds them, you love 'em. Then frustration sets in because they don't seem to be living up to their potential, or their behavior is totally ridiculous. Then, finally, you accept them for the player that they have become, and by Senior Night, you're in tears. Yes, I do cry at every senior night. Then, there are the rare love-at-first-sight kind of players, those that you can't take your eyes off when they are on the floor. It doesn't even have to be because they have this explosive talent, or because they can do crazy tricks. Often times, for me, it has more to do with their demeanor on the court, or what they do for the city off the court. There are only four players in my time as a Tiger fan that I truly consider a love-at-first-sight player. The first is Anfernee Hardaway. He was one of the first players I remember as being a true ambassador for this city. The second is Robert Dozier. I could watch him play all day long. He kept things so calm on the court, and he made everything look so easy. The third is Roburt Sallie. I know. Most people laugh about this, but he was another who was just so smooth on the court. Plus, he was always very personable when you talked to him. The fourth, but not the least, is D.J. Stephens. He actually might become my all-time fave. And, I'm sure that at his senior night next season, I will ball like a baby. He is one who not only does what the coach tells him to do, but he also has this explosive talent. He brings so much energy to the game by providing crazy dunks. He is a rubberband going all over the floor to make plays. He is an ambassador for this city, always putting others before himself. He truly is a remarkable young man. I'm not opposed to my list of favorite players growing. I'm almost positive that it will.
So, here's to another GREAT season! Congratulations, boys. Thank you for all that you do for this city. And, thank you for all of the memories. My countdown to Memphis Madness is on!!! #GoTigersGo
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
So long, Insecurity.
"Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything...Then you will experience God's peace."
Philippians 4:6
A couple of weeks ago I was asked to be a part of a small group at church. I was told that some girls were getting together to read through and discuss a Beth Moore book titled, So Long, Insecurity. Immediately I was intrigued. I mean, just the title had me wanting to jump right in. Anyone who knows me knows that, like most girls, I struggle (majorly) with being insecure. There is so much in the media about how girls are supposed to look, act, dress, talk, think....the list could go on and on! I always tell myself that it doesn't matter what I look like on the outside, its my character that truly counts. Yeah, right! Try telling that to a guy in a bar...or a guy anywhere for that matter. "Hey! I know my friend is much thinner than me, but my personality is killer!" I'm so sure that would work!! Anyways, even though I try to tell myself that it doesn't matter what I look like, or what people think of me, the truth is that I do care. I do worry what people say, or think when I walk in to a room of strangers. "Do these jeans give me a muffin top?" "Should I have left my hair down instead of pulling it up?" "Are my teeth as white as hers?" "Did I just say something stupid, or are they genuinely laughing?" It's constant!!!
So, when a friend asked if I would be interested in joining this group, I immediately said yes! What I wouldn't give to tell my insecurities good-bye! And how great would it be to discuss this with girls my own age who may share some of the same insecurities. After meeting with them the first night, it is amazing to see how many different types of girls struggle with being insecure. I mean, girls you wouldn't normally think of as having an insecurity of some sort. I'm so excited to learn some things from these girls, and have some one to hold me accountable as a grow towards being more secure. I hope that as I move through each chapter of this book, that I will grow to love myself as God has made me. I know that I will never be perfect, and that there will always be that little voice in my head questioning everything; however, I do hope to learn how to quiet that voice and be a strong and more confident woman.
Monday, January 16, 2012
What I'm Loving....Weekend?
So, since I'm so far behind in my blogging, I thought I'd catch up on some of the things I've been loving. I know it isn't Wednesday, but since it's a holiday today, it's still the weekend. Right?
In no particular order....
In no particular order....
I'm loving this church! I'm loving the things that God is doing in my life these days!
I'm loving my new camera!! I have so much fun snapping photos. I'll be uploading some soon! :)
This book is so funny! I need us to be best friends.
Tim Tebow!!! I absolutely love what he stands for and all that he is doing. He is such an inspiration. Also, I've decided that we need to get married. So, if you're reading this, Tim Tebow, I'll be waiting by my phone. ;)
It's basketball season!!!!!! The best season of the year! I'm loving watching my boys play each week. GO TIGERS!
I know, I know. I need a life. But I'm still loving them. They're just perfect.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
I'm Alive!!
I know. You were worried. But seriously, it has been too long since my last post!! I mean, really. July? Well let's catch up to speed. Here are some things that I have thought about writing over the past 6 months that I never actually did.
First. Altruria!!
I can't tell you how blessed I am to now be at Altruria. Part of me wished I could've packed up some of the great teachers that were at Arlington in Jackson and brought them with me. They deserve a good experience too! This school is magical! I walk through the door with a smile on my face each day. This is new to me when it comes to teaching. Yes, I wish I could've slept in, or spent an entire day with some Rotel dip watching Law and Order: SVU. However, I chose to be a teacher. And, while I have a lot to learn over the next 30+ years (woah!), I've decided to enjoy what I do. Yes, it is hard. There is a lot of stuff they don't mention in your college classes. For instance, the fact that you will have students on Compass and Istation intervention that you have to remember, or the fact that a Data Collection log must be filled out and submitted every 2 weeks, or that, hey, some kids don't actually like learning. I'm not complaining. I'm just letting you know that, even though I love my job, I'm not always sunshine and rainbows. However, being at Altruria makes life a lot easier. The family atmosphere is so, so special to me. I love the fact that I am not alone in this endeavor. We don't just close our doors and never see or speak to each other. We work together. And this, is such a relief being a newer teacher. I know that I can ask anyone in the building for help, and they will do everything they can to make me as successful as possible. There's a reason their good teachers! So, to all you teachers at Altruria, thanks. You've made my first year so special. And, to Robbie and Katie, thanks for being newbies with me!
Second. Hope Church
After almost a year of being back in Memphis, I made the decision to leave the church where I grew up. It was a difficult and scary decision. I hated leaving the people in which I had some fabulous and wonderful memories, but I knew that I needed to focus on myself. I had visited Hope several times throughout the years and I always liked the experience. But, I never felt like I could become a regular. Then in October, my mom and I went to hear a certain series we felt we needed to hear. The Stirring (their Sunday night service) band was leading worship that morning. WOW! I was blown away. For the first time, I truly felt God speaking to me. I suddenly felt at home, and I knew I'd be back. Over the weeks, I started going to their Young Adult Community (YAC). I realized that this is what I was missing at my home church. A group of people my own age who were searching for God's plan for this awkward stage of our life. Now, I don't mean awkward like middle school, in which I looked like Mufasa in Timberland boots with white tube socks and my NSYNC shirt. I'm talking awkward as in first jobs, single, really trying to grow up. Anyways, after a month and a half of realizing that I was getting more out of my relationship with God since being at this church, I decided it was time to make the switch. I know that a church doesn't make you religious, but if it has some good tools to help you along the way, then why not open that toolbox and dig in! I absolutely LOVE being a part of Hope Presbyterian Church!! I can't wait to see what else is in store!
Third. Choir
I joined the Hope Choir just after Thanksgiving. I forgot how much FUN it is to sing and be a part of a choir. That is all. I just forgot how much fun it was.
I do have some more, however, it's Saturday. It's beautiful, and I need to enjoy it!
First. Altruria!!
I can't tell you how blessed I am to now be at Altruria. Part of me wished I could've packed up some of the great teachers that were at Arlington in Jackson and brought them with me. They deserve a good experience too! This school is magical! I walk through the door with a smile on my face each day. This is new to me when it comes to teaching. Yes, I wish I could've slept in, or spent an entire day with some Rotel dip watching Law and Order: SVU. However, I chose to be a teacher. And, while I have a lot to learn over the next 30+ years (woah!), I've decided to enjoy what I do. Yes, it is hard. There is a lot of stuff they don't mention in your college classes. For instance, the fact that you will have students on Compass and Istation intervention that you have to remember, or the fact that a Data Collection log must be filled out and submitted every 2 weeks, or that, hey, some kids don't actually like learning. I'm not complaining. I'm just letting you know that, even though I love my job, I'm not always sunshine and rainbows. However, being at Altruria makes life a lot easier. The family atmosphere is so, so special to me. I love the fact that I am not alone in this endeavor. We don't just close our doors and never see or speak to each other. We work together. And this, is such a relief being a newer teacher. I know that I can ask anyone in the building for help, and they will do everything they can to make me as successful as possible. There's a reason their good teachers! So, to all you teachers at Altruria, thanks. You've made my first year so special. And, to Robbie and Katie, thanks for being newbies with me!
Second. Hope Church
After almost a year of being back in Memphis, I made the decision to leave the church where I grew up. It was a difficult and scary decision. I hated leaving the people in which I had some fabulous and wonderful memories, but I knew that I needed to focus on myself. I had visited Hope several times throughout the years and I always liked the experience. But, I never felt like I could become a regular. Then in October, my mom and I went to hear a certain series we felt we needed to hear. The Stirring (their Sunday night service) band was leading worship that morning. WOW! I was blown away. For the first time, I truly felt God speaking to me. I suddenly felt at home, and I knew I'd be back. Over the weeks, I started going to their Young Adult Community (YAC). I realized that this is what I was missing at my home church. A group of people my own age who were searching for God's plan for this awkward stage of our life. Now, I don't mean awkward like middle school, in which I looked like Mufasa in Timberland boots with white tube socks and my NSYNC shirt. I'm talking awkward as in first jobs, single, really trying to grow up. Anyways, after a month and a half of realizing that I was getting more out of my relationship with God since being at this church, I decided it was time to make the switch. I know that a church doesn't make you religious, but if it has some good tools to help you along the way, then why not open that toolbox and dig in! I absolutely LOVE being a part of Hope Presbyterian Church!! I can't wait to see what else is in store!
Third. Choir
I joined the Hope Choir just after Thanksgiving. I forgot how much FUN it is to sing and be a part of a choir. That is all. I just forgot how much fun it was.
I do have some more, however, it's Saturday. It's beautiful, and I need to enjoy it!
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